Notice Board :

Call for Paper
Vol. 10 Issue 9

Submission Start Date:
September 1, 2024

Acceptence Notification Start:
September 20, 2024

Submission End:
September 26, 2024

Final ManuScript Due:
September 28, 2024

Publication Date:
September 30, 2024
                         Notice Board: Call for PaperVol. 10 Issue 9      Submission Start Date: September 1, 2024      Acceptence Notification Start: September 20, 2024      Submission End: September 26, 2024      Final ManuScript Due: September 28, 2024      Publication Date: September 30, 2024

Privacy Policy

  • Site collects no personally identifying information about individuals except when specifically and knowingly provided by such individuals. We do record information such as time of day, browser type, browser language, and IP address when you interact with the site. IJETAS Journal uses this information to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our web site. We also use this information to verify the number of discrete times you visit this web site each day.

  • The Information We Collect At some Active Interest Media sites, you can order products, enter contests, vote in polls or otherwise express an opinion, subscribe to one of our services such as our online newsletters, or participate in one of our online forums or communities. The types of personally identifiable information that may be collected at these pages include: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, and information about your interests in and use of various products, programs, and services.

  • There are cases where Active Interest Media may ask you for personally-identifiable information such as your name, mailing address, and email address. Examples include, but are not limited to, online submission of paper, signing up for an email newsletter, or registering on our Sites. Active Interest Media will not collect any personally-identifiable information about you unless you provide it to us voluntarily. Active Interest Media may store and process that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our products and services; use that information to contact you for informational, promotional purposes and for paper acceptance; use and disclose that information to third parties to the extent necessary to provide you with services you have ordered.

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  • user's personally identifying information may be used for marketing and promotional purposes and we may share the information with others if the user has not advised us of his or her preference not to be included in such an exchange. Individuals always have the ability to stop their information being used for such purposes.

  • Journal may send e-mail to people with whom we have a business relationship.

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